5. Pay Attention To Health
Do you know the signs of sunstroke? Dizziness, muscle cramps, lack of sweating and rapid breathing are all potential symptoms. Whether you’ve been dancing around at a festival all day or stretching your legs in a balmy national park, sunstroke is a genuine issue after excess sun exposure, even if you’re convinced it’s ‘not that hot’.
Medical ice packs should come along in your cool bag to help cool body temperature rapidly in anybody who’s overheated. Remember that pets can get sunstroke too, and suffer extremely badly in heat without proper water or shade. Always pack a portable water bowl for them, keep it topped up, give them a chance to rest in the shade as much as possible, and never leave them unattended in the heat or in hot vehicles.
6. Check the regulations around cooking
Summer means that brush and grass on campsites will be drier, raising the risk of fire accidents if you don’t take care. Many campsites will specify what cooking equipment you can use on your pitch – sometimes barbecues aren’t permitted due to the risks involved, and if that's the case it may be worth brushing up on some one-pot wonder recipes. If they are, be sensible about using them – whether they’re gas or charcoal - and keep fuels well hidden away from any open flames.
With these tips, summer camping trips can be fuss-free and you can bask in the sun (or fan yourself in the shade with an iced tea) like the camping pro you are.